Strangely enough this is the first post since Katrina has come and gone. I think the reason for this is because I am in shock. Not at the storm, but at the total failure of this country to respond in a timely manner to this disaster of enormus porportions. Have we learned nothing for past hurricanes regarding response? In this age of our boasting about our "uber"technology and uber communications, Don't cha think the good old Jeb would have placed a call to the gov of Lousiana and offered a little- you might want to stage a truck or two with some water and ice- in an area close to but not in the path of the hurricane- to enable a quicker response?
Today, for just this moment I am ashamed to be an American. the richest country in the world can not figure out how to get water to the people on the 1-10 overpass who are in the process of dying of dehydration. The national guard troops drove right by them, they sent busses, but no water. Please n the suburbs has ice and water two days ago. But not the people on the overpass. We should all be ashamed, for today, of our governments lack of timely response to this disaster.
And I ask you- what color were the people on that overpass? What economic class were they? take a good look Mr. George, bible thumping Bush. I am disgusted. And we all should be ashamed, if not just for today.