Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Standing by for Wilma

This brings back memories of the FLintstones cartoons where Fred gets locked out of the house and screams 'Willllllllma!!!!!"

As of tonight it looks like it is going to hit land about an hour south of where we are in St Pete. Being storm verterans and very tired of hearing about hurricanes, here's the plan:

We have wedding to go to in Tampa on Saturday evening. Our original plans for this week included relaxing today and tomorrow. Today is our 9th anniversary. I have to work on Friday and Friday night and Sat am we are planning on marathon shopping for clothes to wear to the wedding and the wedding gifts.

So because of the storm this is the change in that plan as of now. Tomorrow we will spend the day packing some things for evacuation and preparing the house. And we will put our stuff by the door. Friday I will work and Friday we will still shop. And hopefully attend the wedding on Saturday

If there is a change and it looks like Wilma will be heading this way. We'll grab our stuff by the front door and head up to Kate's. She lives in a three story concrete apt building on the bayside of St. Pete. And there we will weather the storm.

We are so sick of this hurricane crap, we say what's the worst that can happen? As long as we live through it, we might end up with all new stuff, living in Iowa. And that's bad because....

Stay tuned...Cue the Kinks-everybody sing along- Should I stay or should I go now?....